Image and video generation for visual storytelling. We're seeking partners to collaborate with on Ai Video Tools, Workforce Apps, and Planning Data Visualization using Product Lifecycle Tools. Mastodon

Earth generation

We're creating cinematic story experiences using Midjourney and the DreamStudio API. The localsite framework pulls location data from JSON APIs, Google Sheets and .CSV files to integrate prompt-driven narratives developed by creative prompters, writers and illustrators using shared datascape launchboards. Create and share images using Stability AI's SDXL Model at and dream with Stable Video.

Loren Heyns, DreamOp

Loren's creates websites that combine maps, Ai and data visualizations using modular frameworks. Recent work includes directories for Film Location Scouting, Aerospace and International Trade. Loren studied Communication and Economics at UC Santa Barbara, Interactive Design at Michigan State's Comm Tech Lab, and recently took two semesters of Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) at Georgia Tech, focusing on Data Visualization, Urban Design and Spatial Machine Learning.

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