Data on local industry input-output levels helps inform B2B recycling, reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, electric vehicle transitions, advanced biofuels and more.

Model.Earth grew from Georgia's collaborative tech community and innovative research partnerships.
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Embedding input-output maps and charts is easy. Here's a sample to try:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Samples of Embeddable IO Widgets

Community Apps for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

Working to Improve Life-Cycle Assessment Capabilities for Communities

Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) and Regenerative Material Production (RMP) provide a systemic approach to using and reusing materials more productively over their entire life cycle. It represents a change in how our society thinks about the use of natural resources and environmental protection. By looking at a product's entire life cycle, we can find new opportunities to reduce environmental impacts, conserve resources, reduce costs and attract new industries.

Companies like Amazon and General Motors are using the US Environmentally Extended Input-Output (USEEIO) Models to analyze economic and environmental impacts across all economic sectors. The model is available for community planning, business development and environmental education through our new Local Industry Comparison Tools and the Sustainable Materials Management Prioritization Tools.

Sustainable Materials Management Objectives

  1. Decrease the disposal rate through source reduction, reuse and recycling;
  2. Reduce the environmental impacts of materials across their entire life cycle;
  3. Increase socio-economic benefits from product choices; and
  4. Increase the capacity of state and local governments, communities and key stakeholders to adopt and implement Sustainable Materials Management policies, practices and incentives.

Statewide Input-Output Modeling

View our new embeddable US Environmentally-Extended Input-Output charts
The EPA's ustainable Materials Management Prioritization Tool Suite also uses the USEEIO model.

Filter by Location (States and Counties) | About State Models

Positive Outcomes Adverse Environmental Impacts
1. Value-Added
2. Job Creation
3. Clean Air
4. Clean Water
5. Clean Energy
6. Local Suppliers
7. Green Materials (EPDs)
8. Inclusive Design
9. Improves Health
10. Creates Beauty

These 10 positive outcomes encompass the 7 petals of the Living Community Challenge - Learn More.

Material Flow - Sankey Charts

View Chart Starters

BUYERS (Output)

State, Region and County

All The Places API

All The Places - Over 650 spiders and scrapers pull data nightly from sites that post their locations online. Using similar data harvesting techniques and APIs like Google Places, Google Knowledge Graph and DiffBot, material input-output requests could be shared using CSV files, HTML posts and API feeds.

Example: Your construction contract has a requirement to use 50% reclaimed lumber. Share a spreadsheet documenting how much lumber you need and when you need it. Groups like the Lifecycle Building Center retrieve lumber after film productions and can watch for teardown dates that fit your schedule.

In addition, census data from uszipcode datasets is combined with establishment and employment counts from zip code industry data to visualize impacts using Embeddable IO widgets.

What's New

EPA Researchers Working to Improve Life-Cycle Assessment Capabilities for Communities
Amazon is using USEEIO to reduce their carbon footprint to net zero by 2040. - Overview / Details
Microsoft's goal is 2030, followed by removing all their carbon emissions since 1975 by 2050. - Learn More

More about who's using the USEEIO modeling tool
Directory of open resources focused on sustainability

Get Involved

Democracy Lab – Join our ModelEarth coding team.
GitHub Repos – Contribute to community tools and datasets.
Meet Our Core Team – Contributors from US EPA, GDEcD, and the Model.Earth Grad Student team.