Green Sahara

Broader Climate Trend

On a grand time scale, the North Atlantic ocean gateway (called the Greenland-Scotland Ridge) started opening to Artic waters about 54 million years ago, gradually driving down global temperatures about 16°C (29°F).

Nature Article

The recent warming reversal took off in 1975, following a smaller uptick in 1850. Someday we'll adjust our emissions to counter-balance the 23% temperature swing of our 23,000-year Milankovitch orbital cycle.

Gulf of Gabes and the Atlas Basin in Tunisia

Rendered in ChatGPT - A photorealistic scene from the Gulf of Gabes and the Atlas Basin in Tunisia, during the period 3000 to 1600 BC. It captures the essence of ancient life and environment in this historical setting with remarkable detail.

Charles Rogers postulated this was a 20-mile trench for boating and irrigation near El Maia, Algeria.
Is it actually ground level dropping as groundwater subsided during changes in the Earth's orbit?

Thousands of years later, Athen's dominated the sea with the flat-bottomed trireme (480 BCE)

Diamond Storms

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