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Dr. Wesley Ingwersen, US Environmental Protection Agency

Dr. Wesley Ingwersen has served as an Environmental Engineer in the US EPA’s Office of Research and Development since 2010, developing methods, models, and tools for life cycle assessment and materials management. He co-led an international guidance document on product category rules. Dr. Ingwersen helped establish the Technical Working Group for the federal LCA Commons initiative and the Global Network of LCA databases. He has served as the technical expert on LCA for the US Department of State. Dr. Ingwersen obtained M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Florida a B.A. from Georgetown University. He leads the development of the GA model.

Loren Heyns, Georgia Department of Economic Development

Loren Heyns is a Programmer Analyst at the Georgia Department of Economic Development (GDEcD). Loren's programming background includes data-driven websites for Georgia State Parks, CNN, Green Law, and Georgia directories for Aerospace, Trade, Logistics and CameraReady film sites. From 2000 to 2015, Loren ran DreamStudio with his wife Terri and co-developers Don Adams and Barbara Wrede, creating neighborhood sites and environmental education apps for eight southeast states, Wisconsin and Hawaii. Loren studied at Georgia Tech, UC Santa Barbara and Michigan State University. Project CV

Dr. Valerie Thomas, Georgia Institute of Technology

Dr. Valerie Thomas is the Anderson Interface Professor of Natural Systems in the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Tech, with a joint appointment in the School of Public Policy. Her research includes bioenergy development, focusing on economics and environmental impacts, including Sustainable Production of Fuels and Chemicals from Biomass  Through 2019 she was a member of the USDA-DOE Biomass R&D Technical Advisory Committee. Before Georgia Tech she worked at Princeton University and Carnegie Mellon University, and has served as a Congressional Science Fellow. She has a PhD in high energy physics from Cornell and a B.A. in physics from Swarthmore.

Costas Simoglou, Georgia Department of Economic Development

Costas Simoglou is the Director of the Georgia Center of Innovation for Energy Technology. His mission is to help Georgia’s companies accelerate the development of new products, ideas and business models in the Energy ecosystem and maintain the State’s leadership position in the fields of energy generation, transmission, distribution, storage and consumption.

Dawn Price, Georgia Department of Economic Development

Dawn M. Price works with the Georgia Department of Economic Development on the Center of Innovation team. She is an Industry Engagement Manager for both the Center for Energy Technology and Center for Information Technology. She is focused on building relationships and strengthening Georgia’s industry ecosystems and local business climates.

Nazanin Tabatabaei, Georgia Insitute of Technology

Nazanin is a Ph.D. student at Georgia Tech majoring in Computational Design with a focus on Machine Learning with a minor in Human-Computer Interaction and a Masters in Computer Science. She holds a Masters of Science in Digital Design and Fabrication from Texas Tech University, and a Bachelors of Architecture degree from the University of Tehran. Her work intertwines computer science, computational media, and tangible interactions. Nazanin's portfolio

Yilun Zha, Georgia Insitute of Technology

Yilun Zha is a Ph.D. student at Georgia Institute of Technology with majors in Urban Design and Statistics. His research interest lies in the interplay between public health and the built environment, especially the impact of urban form on general wellbeing of the public. Prior to joining Georgia Tech, he obtained bachelor and master degree in city planning from Tongji University, Shanghai. He also earned a master degree in urban design from Georgia Tech.

Cindy Giselle Azuero Pedraza, Georgia Insitute of Technology

Cindy Azuero is a PhD student at the H. Milton School of Industrial and Systems Engineering in the Economic Decision Analysis track with a minor in Environmental Economics. Her research interests are in applications of economic and engineering tools including optimization, econometrics and simulation to environmental problems, which include biodiversity conservation, forests and climate change. Current research projects include the impacts in biodiversity of wood pellet production in Southeastern U.S and the rural economic development impacts of biofuels.

Barbara Alfano, US Environmental Protection Agency

Barbara Alfano is Chief of the PCB & Sustainability Section for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 4 office. She joined the EPA in 1988, after working as a national wetland specialist for six years in Florida. Most of her time at EPA has been spent as a project manager responsible for cleaning up Superfund and Brownfields sites in the southeast. She recently served as the Regional Brownfields Coordinator for six years. She has also served as Acting RCRA Corrective Action and Permits Section Chief, Office of Superfund Public Affairs and Outreach Director, Superfund Section Chief, and Brownfields Section Chief. Her background includes being raised in Pennsylvania and graduating from the University of South Florida in Tampa.

Gaurav Patil, Product Designer & Data Scientist

Gaurav Patil is a product designer & data scientist interested in creating user centered digital experiences. He has a Masters of Science degree with distinction from Pratt Institute's School of Information majoring in Data Analytics & Visualization along with an Advanced certificate in User Experience. He also holds another Masters of Science degree from Columbia University in Civil Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, and a Bachelors of Engineering degree from University of Mumbai. His latest work comprises UI/UX & product development, data visualization, web development and qualitative research. Projects Portfolio
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